Monday, February 21, 2011


I realized recently a very practical reason for waiting until one's marriage to move out of one's childhood home: a wedding is the perfect occasion for friends and family to help you furnish your new place. Moving into a new apartment is a lot of work, and you have to start a whole household from scratch! That is a big financial investment. All of the household items I've been using suddenly seem so much more valuable. That Kitchenaid mixer that blends my cookie ingredients? I don't get to take that. The assortment of spatulas, the cookie sheets, the toaster oven, all will be left because they're not really mine. They belong to my parents.

There are, of course, positives and negatives about this. On the plus side, I get to pick out my own stuff. I have all the decision-making power when choosing my own belongings (well, not 100%, since Toby has a say too). On the other hand, this will cost hundreds of dollars. Having an extreme aversion to debt, I will probably purchase these things one by one over a period of several months. Maybe one small item (like a bread pan) a week and one larger piece of equipment (like a food processor) every one or two months. I think this could make for a fun series of posts.

Also, I've moving in two weeks. Gah! Toby is already in Seattle making living arrangements. He says it's wonderful. Somehow I will make it through this waiting period. Maybe I should finish that book on Cleopatra that's due back at the library soon.

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